The Intuitive Creator
Hey you! I’m Roshaunda. You can call me “Ro”. I am an intuitive empathic creative decorator and designer. I started Adorn Interiors while on a journey to own my dreams of making the dreams of others a reality.

Since she was a girl, Ro has been adorning people, places and spaces. She worked her way through college leasing apartments and decorating model homes. It was there that she found her happy place, but she didn’t know how to fully accept and bring that dream to fruition. In all honesty, Ro has spent the past thirty years of her life searching to satisfy that longing to create. She was fortunate enough to have a successful career, but she always felt the best parts of her weren’t utilized in those fields. “I’m listening to my inner voice now and wholeheartedly choosing to believe in my dreams. I am no longer afraid to begin again because success is inevitable when you truly love who you are and what you have to offer to the world.”
Adorn, the brand was born from a place of transformation, perseverance, and last but not least hope! It is reflective of the never-ending journey of self-love and compassion Roshaunda showers upon herself daily to continue becoming the absolute BEST version of HERSELF! To adorn something is to enrich its character by adding beauty, charm, and grace. Adorn is Ro creating and living on purpose, as we are all born to do. ADORN is how she shares the best parts of her being with YOU!
Roshaunda believes a space should always portray the energy and atmosphere that brings out the best in you. So much of what we do is based on our feelings, but we rarely recognize their importance in selecting and enhancing our environments. Transforming a space aesthetically is important, but what lies beneath? How does the space make you feel? As an empath, it is important that Ro takes time to get to know you before we design the space of your dreams. “I create spaces for my enjoyment, but more importantly I create them for yours!” Taking time to learn about your personality, family, lifestyle preferences, occupation, design style, hobbies and more allows Roshaunda to understand you and your needs, but most importantly, it allows her to create a space that transcends anything you could ever imagine. The result…a space that is uniquely yours.
Allow Ro to Adorn your spaces so you too can come home to YOU! What will we create together?
“If we treat our environment the way we intend to treat ourselves, then aren’t we on a journey of continual improvement (ADORNMENT)?”
~Roshaunda “Ro” Ingram-Harvey
Founder of Adorn Interiors

Roshaunda’s Experience:
- Bachelor’s of Business Administration (BA)
- Master’s of Business Administration in Management (MBA)
- MBA Project Management Certification (PM)
- Certified Ultimate Decorator & ReDesigner (UDRC™)
- Certified Ultimate Feng Shui Specialist (UFSC™)
- Certified Ultimate Professional Organizer (UCPO™)
- Certified Ultimate Stager (USC™)
- Certified Ultimate Event Planner (UEPC™)
- Certified Ultimate Wedding Planner (UWPC™)